온라인 강의의 표준 플랫폼 – 런대시(LearnDash) 3.0 소개

After many months of research, design, and development – you now have access to the most cutting-edge online course platform on the market. Not just in WordPress, but across the entire e-learning industry.

LearnDash 3.0 (or LD3) is a fundamental shift in how online courses are both delivered and created. Long overdue for this industry in my opinion.

It would be near impossible for me to discuss everything that is new in LD3 (and let’s face it, you probably would rather just experience it yourself). But join me as I show you some of its highlights! ????


Visually impressive courses that learners will love and that give your brand a professional, polished image.

Beautiful & Effective Course Templates

Here’s a hard truth: you can have amazing course content but if its presentation is lack-luster then it doesn’t really matter. Online course plugins and hosted course offerings are lazy (and sometimes reckless) in this area.

Either the visual experience is too minimal with just plain-text, and therefore not contributing to an engaging learning experience.

Or, the templates are over-designed. Clashing with the rest of the website and becoming too distracting.

Both scenarios are lose-lose. Your students have a poor learning experience and your brand suffers for lack of professionalism. If you are selling courses then this could even lead to higher refund rates.

LD3 solves this delicate balance for you.

We partnered with instructional design experts 3.7Designs to bring you a course experience like no other.

Clean and Informative Profiles

Every template is purposely designed to make your content shine, but at the same time help keep your learners engaged in the course.

The polished presentation gives you credibility and strengthens your brand. What will separate your courses from others is a culmination of the “little things”, like:

  • Optimal course content display
  • Intuitive and informative profiles
  • Clear navigation tracking
  • Multiple progress status points
  • Clear success, information, and warning notifications
  • Simple materials presentation

We have taken care of these (and so much more) for you!

Literally every visual aspect in LD3 has an intentional, thoughtful design so that you and your learners both benefit.